Descripción de las leyendas

  • Economy Big Advancement
  • Education Big Advancement
  • Employment Advancement
  • Environment No changes
  • Inequality And Poverty Throwback
  • Welfare State Big Throwback

Select one of the following areas


Spain will need to develop a modern and competitive growth model to secure its future prosperity and converge with the most advanced European societies by 2050. To achieve this, it will focus on boosting productivity and raising the employment rate. Key actions will include increasing investment in innovation, fostering business growth, addressing the informal economy, and building a robust public revenues base.


Education is one of the fundamental pillars of a country's long-term economic and social prosperity. For this reason, Spain must make a firm commitment to improving the education of its population, starting from early childhood and continuing throughout life. This means reducing early school dropout and repetition rates, ensuring that the majority of young people complete post-compulsory education and raising learning outcomes. It will also require improving equity in education, eliminating gender gaps in vocational training programs and higher education, and creating an integrated system of reskilling for the working population.


By 2050, Spain should continue to raise employment rates and improve working conditions. This will require increasing the participation of young people, women and the over-55s in the labour market, reducing temporary and involuntary part-time contracts and closing the gender pay gap. It will also require updating and strengthening active employment policies and moving towards working hours that facilitate work-life balance and make work a more satisfying experience for most citizens.


By 2050, Spain must become a carbon-neutral society, committed to the sustainable use of natural resources. This is the only way to limit the effects of climate change and ensure prosperity for future generations. To achieve this, it will need to increase energy efficiency, maximize the potential of renewable sources of electricity and optimize water use. It will also need to promote sustainable practices in key sectors such as agriculture and construction, increase recycling rates, promote green taxation and preserve biodiversity.

Inequality And Poverty

One of the biggest challenges facing our society is to reduce inequality and poverty. If we are to remain a cohesive, prosperous and competitive country, it will be essential to do so. Among other things, we need to improve the redistributive capacity of our welfare state and facilitate access to housing. Increasing tax collection and fighting against fraud and the informal economy are two ways of moving in this direction.

Welfare State

Demographic ageing, the costs of medical innovation and new social demands related to mental health or education are major challenges for our welfare states. To address them, it will be necessary to increase investment in education, health and long-term care; to strengthen and modernise social safety nets; and ensure that all citizens entitled to benefits receive them.

    Descripción de las leyendas

  • Economy Advancement
  • Education Big Advancement
  • Employment Big Advancement
  • Environment Big Advancement
  • Inequality And Poverty Big Advancement
  • Welfare State Big Advancement

Select one of the following areas


Spain will need to develop a modern and competitive growth model to secure its future prosperity and converge with the most advanced European societies by 2050. To achieve this, it will focus on boosting productivity and raising the employment rate. Key actions will include increasing investment in innovation, fostering business growth, addressing the informal economy, and building a robust public revenues base.


Education is one of the fundamental pillars of a country's long-term economic and social prosperity. For this reason, Spain must make a firm commitment to improving the education of its population, starting from early childhood and continuing throughout life. This means reducing early school dropout and repetition rates, ensuring that the majority of young people complete post-compulsory education and raising learning outcomes. It will also require improving equity in education, eliminating gender gaps in vocational training programs and higher education, and creating an integrated system of reskilling for the working population.


By 2050, Spain should continue to raise employment rates and improve working conditions. This will require increasing the participation of young people, women and the over-55s in the labour market, reducing temporary and involuntary part-time contracts and closing the gender pay gap. It will also require updating and strengthening active employment policies and moving towards working hours that facilitate work-life balance and make work a more satisfying experience for most citizens.


By 2050, Spain must become a carbon-neutral society, committed to the sustainable use of natural resources. This is the only way to limit the effects of climate change and ensure prosperity for future generations. To achieve this, it will need to increase energy efficiency, maximize the potential of renewable sources of electricity and optimize water use. It will also need to promote sustainable practices in key sectors such as agriculture and construction, increase recycling rates, promote green taxation and preserve biodiversity.

Inequality And Poverty

One of the biggest challenges facing our society is to reduce inequality and poverty. If we are to remain a cohesive, prosperous and competitive country, it will be essential to do so. Among other things, we need to improve the redistributive capacity of our welfare state and facilitate access to housing. Increasing tax collection and fighting against fraud and the informal economy are two ways of moving in this direction.

Welfare State

Demographic ageing, the costs of medical innovation and new social demands related to mental health or education are major challenges for our welfare states. To address them, it will be necessary to increase investment in education, health and long-term care; to strengthen and modernise social safety nets; and ensure that all citizens entitled to benefits receive them.

    Descripción de las leyendas

  • Economy Big Advancement
  • Education Big Advancement
  • Employment Big Advancement
  • Environment Big Advancement
  • Inequality And Poverty Big Advancement
  • Welfare State Big Advancement

Select one of the following areas


Spain will need to develop a modern and competitive growth model to secure its future prosperity and converge with the most advanced European societies by 2050. To achieve this, it will focus on boosting productivity and raising the employment rate. Key actions will include increasing investment in innovation, fostering business growth, addressing the informal economy, and building a robust public revenues base.

Observed Change No changes

Labour productivity levels

(constant euros, PPP 2015)
Observed Change No changes
Observed Change Advancement
Observed Change Advancement
Observed Change Advancement
Observed Change Advancement
Observed Change Advancement

Shadow economy

(% of GDP)
Observed Change No changes
Observed Change No changes
Observed Change Advancement

Tax revenue

(% of GDP)
Observed Change Advancement
Observed Change No changes


Education is one of the fundamental pillars of a country's long-term economic and social prosperity. For this reason, Spain must make a firm commitment to improving the education of its population, starting from early childhood and continuing throughout life. This means reducing early school dropout and repetition rates, ensuring that the majority of young people complete post-compulsory education and raising learning outcomes. It will also require improving equity in education, eliminating gender gaps in vocational training programs and higher education, and creating an integrated system of reskilling for the working population.

Observed Change Big Advancement
Observed Change Advancement
Observed Change Advancement
Observed Change Advancement
Observed Change Throwback
Observed Change No changes
Observed Change Throwback
Observed Change Advancement
Observed Change Throwback
Observed Change Advancement
Observed Change Advancement
Observed Change No changes
Observed Change Advancement
Observed Change Advancement
Observed Change Advancement
Observed Change Advancement
Observed Change No changes


By 2050, Spain should continue to raise employment rates and improve working conditions. This will require increasing the participation of young people, women and the over-55s in the labour market, reducing temporary and involuntary part-time contracts and closing the gender pay gap. It will also require updating and strengthening active employment policies and moving towards working hours that facilitate work-life balance and make work a more satisfying experience for most citizens.

Observed Change Advancement
Observed Change No changes
Observed Change No changes
Observed Change No changes
Observed Change No changes
Observed Change Big Advancement
Observed Change Big Advancement
Observed Change Advancement
Observed Change Advancement
Observed Change Advancement
Observed Change Big Advancement
Observed Change Big Advancement
Observed Change Advancement
Observed Change No changes
Observed Change Advancement
Observed Change Advancement
Observed Change No changes


By 2050, Spain must become a carbon-neutral society, committed to the sustainable use of natural resources. This is the only way to limit the effects of climate change and ensure prosperity for future generations. To achieve this, it will need to increase energy efficiency, maximize the potential of renewable sources of electricity and optimize water use. It will also need to promote sustainable practices in key sectors such as agriculture and construction, increase recycling rates, promote green taxation and preserve biodiversity.

GHG emissions

(% of reduction with respect to 1990)
Observed Change Advancement

Water demand

Observed Change Throwback

Primary energy intensity

(kilograms of oil equivalent/thousands of euros)
Observed Change Advancement
Observed Change Big Advancement
Observed Change Throwback

Organic farming area

(% of total cultivated area)
Observed Change No changes

Reforestation rate

Observed Change Advancement
Observed Change No changes

Municipal waste sent to landfill

(% of total generated)
Observed Change No changes
Observed Change Big Advancement
Observed Change No changes

Inequality And Poverty

One of the biggest challenges facing our society is to reduce inequality and poverty. If we are to remain a cohesive, prosperous and competitive country, it will be essential to do so. Among other things, we need to improve the redistributive capacity of our welfare state and facilitate access to housing. Increasing tax collection and fighting against fraud and the informal economy are two ways of moving in this direction.

Observed Change No changes
Observed Change Big Throwback

Gini index

(income inequality)
Observed Change Advancement
Observed Change Advancement

Tax revenue

(% of GDP)
Observed Change Advancement
Observed Change Advancement
Observed Change No changes

Welfare State

Demographic ageing, the costs of medical innovation and new social demands related to mental health or education are major challenges for our welfare states. To address them, it will be necessary to increase investment in education, health and long-term care; to strengthen and modernise social safety nets; and ensure that all citizens entitled to benefits receive them.

Observed Change Advancement
Observed Change Advancement
Observed Change No changes
Observed Change Big Advancement
Observed Change Advancement
Observed Change No changes